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Text File | 1993-07-06 | 18.2 KB | 442 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- hi-BBS™
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- World-Class Communication Solution
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- hi-BBS is a full featured online information system for the Macintosh™,
- offering a graphical interface and high-end communication capabilities.
- hi-BBS provides the widest range of communication options this side of the
- Galaxy, and this ain't no marketing hype! The system is being used on ISDN,
- X.25, TCP/IP, as well as with high-speed modems and over AppleTalk.
- Using the latest technology from Apple®, hi-BBS goes further in usability
- without sacrificing power. With hi-BBS, becoming an online information
- provider has never been easier!
- Unlike some systems, hi-BBS clearly differentiates E-Mail, Public Forums, and
- File Transfer sections. With hi-BBS, you can easily set-up a File Transfer
- section with full file descriptions, without attaching each file to a message.
- Public Forum and Mail messages can nonetheless include any number of attached
- files.
- Read on to learn more about the human interface Bulletin Board System, then give
- a try to our full featured demo by calling XBR Communications.
- Electronic Mail
- Faster (so much..) than traditional mail: no more delays, no more postal
- strikes, no planes or boats needed. Once sent, once received. Nothing comes
- close to e-mail when time is at stake. Better than fax: electronic format can be
- saved easily, messages can contain any type of attached documents. Readability
- is never in doubt. Cheaper too: one message can be sent to any number of
- recipients, contain any number of attached documents in one single step. No
- stamps needed, nor packaging.
- hi-BBS E-Mail Major Features:
- • Unlimited number of recipients. You can also send copies of the message to any
- number of users.
- • Unlimited number of attached files to a message. This lets you attach any
- document, file (incl. sounds, graphics, QuickTime® movies, ...) to a message
- that can be sent to multiple recipients.
- • Full text formatting (incl. color) to add a little pizazz to your messages.
- Use any font, size, style and color available in your system to enhance your
- messages.
- • Fast user name search on the server. Names can be added to your address book,
- and in the To: and cc: fields automatically.
- • Personal Address Book with distribution lists management.
- • IN and OUT box management from a single window.
- • Off-line mail creation. Messages composed offline are saved to your OUT box.
- • Full support for carbon copies, replies, forwarding. For example, a reply will
- automatically create a new message, addressed to the sender, inserting the
- subject preceded by RE> and the text of the original message, ready for your
- reply, already separated by a line.
- • Cut & paste lets you transfer text from hi-BBS to your favorite word
- processor, back and forth.
- • Attached files viewing can be done without opening the message. Multiple
- attached files in a single message can be transferred all at once or
- individually selected.
- • Multiple organizations (groups) can co-exist on the same server, each having
- its own users. Mail can be exchanged between users of the same organization or
- of a different organization.
- • All major functions (printing, saving, replying, ...) are easily accessed from
- the Mail window, using color icons.
- • Unread mail and replies graphically identified in your IN box list.
- • QuickTime attached documents are played online.
- • Compressed attached files are expanded automatically.
- • Gateways: your hi-BBS mail can be sent to QuickMail users, with full
- attachment and reply support. Other gateways for major mail systems and networks
- are in the works by third parties.
- Public Interest Forums
- Using hi-BBS' Forums, you can ask the questions that will help you most in your
- business. Any time. Send your question during the evening, get 20 replies in the
- morning! Get responses faster. Knowledgeable persons will be able to help you as
- fast as they can type. No unanswered phone calls, no postal delays. Use the
- public areas to post a survey on your latest product and get the customer's
- opinion in real time. Send files too. Reach users with your latest software
- product or help others by sending them your latest finding. Keep in touch.
- hi-BBS Forums Major Features
- • Full message threading graphically depicted in an outline view. You can always
- see who replied to a message and when.
- • Multiple organizations (groups) can co-exist on the same server, each having
- its own Forum sections.
- • Use System 7 aliases to share forum sections between organizations.
- • Multiple servers can co-exist on the same network, each having its own
- organizations, and Forums sections.
- • Use System 7 aliases to share Forums sections between servers in real-time.
- • Access level can be set for any message in a Forum section, so that users can
- only see messages to which they have access privileges.
- • Unlimited number of attached files to any message.
- • Attached files viewing can be done without opening the message. Multiple
- attached files in a single message can be transferred all at once or
- individually selected.
- • Full text formatting (incl. color) to add a little pizazz to your messages.
- • All major functions (printing, saving, replying, ...) are easily accessed from
- the Forum window, using color icons.
- • Multiple message windows can be opened at a time, along with any other window
- from other sections of the BBS.
- • QuickTime attached documents can be played online.
- • Compressed attached files can be expanded automatically.
- General File transfer/Information sections
- Online advertising: Advertise your latest products, promote your services, offer
- software demos, updates, upgrades. Information publishing: Publish your work,
- news, and documents online. Available only to selected users or everybody.
- Complete CDs online. Give instant access to complete educational or
- informational CDs. Hundreds of megabytes of information online, instantly!
- hi-BBS FT/Info Major Features:
- • Use the Finder hierarchy to build your Information and File transfer sections.
- • Use the Finder Get Info command to add comments to your online files, folders,
- volumes, ... or use the many shareware utilities available to add complete file
- descriptions. Completely compatible with file description formats used on the
- • Multiple organizations (groups) can co-exist on the same server, each having
- its own FT/Info sections.
- • Use System 7 aliases to share FT/Info sections between organizations.
- • Multiple servers can co-exist on the same network, each having its own
- organizations, and FT/Info sections.
- • Use System 7 aliases to share FT/Info sections between servers in real-time.
- • Access to any section and down to any file can be restricted for different
- users. The use of multiple organizations and access levels provides a very
- flexible control to information access.
- • Standard Get Info button displays full information about files, folders and
- volumes, including comments.
- • TEXT files can be read online.
- • Full text formatting (incl. color) can be added to any text file read online.
- You can then print or save the text file while retaining the applied formatting.
- • File transfers handled transparently. No need to learn X, Y or ZModem protocol
- idiosyncracies.
- • MultiFinder friendly. File transfers will continue even when users switch to
- another application.
- • All major functions (printing, saving, replying, ...) are easily accessed from
- the FT/Info window, using color icons.
- • QuickTime documents can be played online.
- • Compressed files can be expanded automatically.
- Teleconferencing
- Cost saving solution to meetings. Whenever you need to schedule a meeting,
- hi-BBS can save you time and money. No more traveling, no more costly
- organization. No delays. Better following. hi-BBS meetings can be recorded,
- formatted and printed, without user intervention. No more delays of
- transcription, no more loss of time.
- hi-BBS Teleconferencing Major Features:
- • Background operation. Attend the meeting while you read your mail.
- • Supports as many users as your system configuration allows. Not limited by
- your number of lines license.
- • Message display window can use full text formatting to suit your viewing
- preferences.
- • Color icons give access to the list of participants, and to the save and print
- functions.
- • Message Broadcasting lets you send a message to all connected users and invite
- them to a meeting.
- • Sound notification of incoming and system messages.
- Handling communications
- The use of the Macintosh CommToolbox opens the door to most major methods of
- communicating electronically. If a communication tool doesn't exist, we develop
- it! That's what we did for X.25 communication.
- Here are some of the protocols we support simultaneously on the same computer:
- • Modems (High speed and Hardware handshake fully supported). Multiple modems
- and modem cards can be installed on a single server, along with X.25 and ISDN
- cards.
- • AppleTalk (LocalTalk, EtherTalk, ...). hi-BBS supports multiple zones as well
- as multiple servers on the same network. Full support for AppleTalk Remote
- Access.
- • X.25 multi-sessions (up to 100) on a single line using the XBR X.25 NB card.
- Using X.25 is the most secure protocol for transfering information online. Also
- due to its international support, your users will be able to access your hi-BBS
- server from more than 500 cities in 30 countries any time, without long distance
- fees.
- • ISDN, using an ISDN Nubus card (from XBR) or adapters. Fully tested with
- Northern Telecom and AT&T switches.
- • TCP/IP for a worlwide access.
- • Any other third party connection tool.
- In the near future, you can expect us to bring even more ways to publish your
- information online.
- Easy Server set-up
- You heard horror stories about the telecommunication world? THEY WERE TRUE!
- ...Up to now, that is.
- hi-BBS has been designed to be as easy to set up as to use. What's the need for
- a fancy graphical user interface (GUI) when you can't even bring your online
- system up to your expectations, because it needs a computer degree to set it up?
- Publishing information with hi-BBS requires no special skills. Just move, copy
- or alias your documents, remote volumes, and CDs to a folder. Published
- documents can be spread all over your network, even remotely located!
- No need to shutdown the server to add CDs, remote volumes, ... . As soon as
- you install the selected CD or volume, your users will see them online.
- Need to backup? Just use your standard backup program, even while the server is
- running and go. The server will automatically reconfigure itself on restore.
- A crash? Don't panic or lose sleep. No loss of information to fear, no databases
- to re-index, or re-build. Never.
- Need to shutdown the server and you're so far away? Don't despair; grab your
- Powerbook to connect to your network, and use the hi-BBS Manager to do it, while
- the server takes care of sending advance notifications to connected users. Ready
- to launch the server again? Launch it from home, from your dream island, or from
- the moon!
- In short, forget the hassles and enjoy your new powerful communication
- companion! And you know something? Apple was right! Applications such as hi-BBS,
- taking advantage of System 7's advanced features, really make your life more
- enjoyable.
- hi-BBS Server Major Features:
- • Very easy to install. Copy the content of the server disk to your hard disk,
- then drop the included CTB tools in your System folder. Finally, double-click on
- the hi-BBS Server application. A default server set-up will be automatically
- created, complete with one organization and one user. All in all, the complete
- installation takes about 2 minutes.
- • Full background operation. The hi-BBS Server is a small "faceless" application
- that uses less than 500K to run on a non-dedicated machine (from the Classic to
- the Quadras). Once started, it becomes completely invisible and you can resume
- using your computer as usual, while this multi-user application does its things.
- • Complete Apple® Events control. The hi-BBS Server is managed using Apple®
- Events (Æ) and can also control other applications using specific Æ commands.
- Look for amazing new ways of using a telecom server in the near future, thanks
- to that powerful feature.
- • Full CommToolbox support. Using the CTB means completely standardized
- configuration procedures for the Administrator, and a wider range of
- communication options. One hi-BBS Server can be set-up to receive calls on ISDN
- links, X.25 networks, multiple modems and AppleTalk all at the same time. Each
- of these options is set-up in a single window, using the CTB standard connection
- settings window.
- • High Speed Modems. The hi-BBS server fully supports high speed, online
- compression and hardware handshaking with modems.
- • Security matters. hi-BBS offers its Administrator, complete control over who
- has access to what, down to the file level. Using any number of organizations
- (privilege groups), each having multiple access levels, an hi-BBS Administrator
- can tailor its system to its very precise needs.
- • CD ROM Access: The hi-BBS Administrator can install part of, or a complete CD
- ROM on the server (or any hard disk), using System 7's aliases. Comments can be
- added to any CD ROM section explaining its features, with the Get Info command
- of the Finder. All information installed becomes available to users having the
- proper access privileges. Through any communication link used (AppleTalk,
- modems, ISDN, X.25, ...)
- • Remote volumes: The use of System 7's aliases goes even further and lets the
- Administrator install part of, or complete remote volumes from the network. The
- server will automatically mount the remote volumes when needed. Comments can
- also be added and all information installed becomes available to users having
- the proper access privileges. This can be real helpful to share information
- between multiple servers located on the same network.
- • ISDN links: A server could be located on the other side of the world, while
- being shared with yours, using ISDN high speed links. Again using aliases and
- TheLink®, our AppleTalk Remote Access Half-Bridge, you could be sharing
- information remotely in real-time. TheLink will automatically mount the remote
- site on demand.
- • Finder-based administration. Unlike most other BBS packages, we don't use
- databases to hold file and forums information. This means that you'll never have
- to worry about database corruption and re-indexing. This also means an easier
- administration of the server, with standard back-up procedures, using
- off-the-shelf products.
- • Multiple Administrators. The main hi-BBS Administrator can create multiple
- organizations (privilege groups), each having its own manager, with personal
- password.
- • Flexible Administration. The Administrator, using the hi-BBS Manager
- application connects to the hi-BBS Server, through Apple® Events. This not only
- provides LAN and modem access to the server, but also doesn't tie up a server
- line in the process. The administration tasks can all be accomplished while the
- server is running, of course…
- • Remote shutdown. Using the hi-BBS Manager application, the Administrator can
- shutdown the server remotely, while advance notification is sent to connected
- users automatically. A delay before shutdown can also be set. Once ready to
- launch the server again, you can use the same application to do it remotely.
- • User Limits. The hi-BBS Administrator can limit the time a user can stay
- logged on and also set the expiration date of its subscription. The server will
- then take control of these parameters automatically.
- • Connection statistics. hi-BBS creates a connection statistics file that can be
- easily imported in most database and spreadsheet programs, ready to be formatted
- for reports. A very detailed usage report, describing each and every user
- action, is also available.
- • Billing facility. Each organization can be set-up at creation time to have 2
- different billing periods per day, with related connection fees. When the
- Administrator wants to bill its users, he can use the hi-BBS Manager application
- to automatically calculate the billing fees for any user or all of them and then
- send the bill to their mailbox. Return address, summary information and billing
- periods can be set for each organization individually.
- • Shredder, the out-of-date message deleter. Out-of-date messages can be
- automatically deleted after a period of time set by the Administrator.
- • Single Copy of all Messages and Attached Files. When a user sends a message
- with attached files to multiple recipients, only one copy of the package is
- saved on the server. This insures a maximum saving of storage space.
- • Easy Upgrade Path. Basic systems start with a 2 lines configuration. Every
- system sold is based on the number of simultaneous connections your server will
- accept. First, this means a no limit to the number of subscribers license, with
- no additional cost charged for the growth of your user base. Second, there is no
- restriction on how your users connect to the system. They could be using
- AppleTalk, modems, X.25, ... When comes the time to provide more lines, the
- hi-BBS Server really shines by offering up to more than a hundred simultaneous
- connections, using X.25 networks. You won't be left in the dust as your needs
- increase.
- • Soft Number of Users Limitation. Even though the number of lines is limited by
- your license, users can still connect to your server, using any communication
- protocol. Let's say that you bought a 4 lines system. If 4 users are actually
- connected to your server, two with modems and two others through AppleTalk, a
- fifth user will still be able to connect and browse through the system. The
- limitation being that he will be prevented from transfering anything. As soon as
- another user disconnects, the fifth user will automatically regain full access.
- As such, teleconferencing is not limited in any way by your license.
- • ASCII access. Users can access your hi-BBS Server, using their favorite
- telecommunication application. A menu will let them download the graphical
- interface and read online information.
- After reading about hi-BBS, go ahead and call us to test drive the system.
- We are convinced that you'll love the experience.
- For a full demo, call us at (514) 489-1001
- Welcome aboard!
- The hi-BBS Development Team
- ©1993 XBR Communications, Inc.,
- Phone : (514) 489-1001
- Fax : (514) 482-2041
- AppleLink : XBR
- Internet : JP@xbrcom.qc.ca
- hi-BBS : 489-0445 (14.4 lines, account name : JP)